The Psychoanalytic Section of the ICP

Irish Forum for Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (IFCAPP)

Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapy aims to help children and adolescents gain a greater degree of self-understanding in the setting of a secure therapeutic relationship. Over the course of therapy children and adolescents are afforded the opportunity to experience a relationship in a safe therapeutic setting, where thoughts, feelings and experiences may be expressed and understood. Such therapy can happen creatively through a mixture of play, art and talking in a room to facilitate this expression. Child and adolescent psychoanalytic psychotherapists integrate their knowledge and awareness of the child’s specific developmental processes and needs during the therapy, thereby facilitating the child/adolescent to adapt and grow. Overtime therapists gain an understanding of the child’s unconscious and its role in influencing present patterns of behaviour and relating. The child/young person is gently helped to become aware of these patterns and to learn new ways of managing themselves in their world.

While therapists most often work with the individual child, they also work with parents to help parents understand and support their child/adolescent during their therapy and to foster their child’s individual development. Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists work in a variety of settings both in Public and in private practice with children of all ages.

Training in Ireland occurs under the auspices of Trinity College Dublin in association with The Irish Institute of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Training is accredited through IFCAPP under the umbrella of the ICP and ECP.

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