The Irish Psycho-Analytical Association (IPAA)
Founded in 1942, the Irish Psycho-Analytical Association is the oldest psychotherapeutic body in Ireland. Its founder, Jonathan Hanaghan, was sent here in 1926 by Freud's friend and biographer, Ernest Jones: "It will take a Celt to start up psychoanalysis in Ireland."
Although many elements of human nature seem universal in humanity, most psychotherapists, anthropologists, and sociologists would agree that there is a lot in each individual which is specific to the particular culture in which the person grew up. The traditions of the Irish Psycho-Analytical Association reflect three-quarters of a century of intensive psychotherapeutic work in Ireland, with Irish people.
Although strongly Freudian in its beginnings, springing as it did from Freud's inner circle in the U. K., the Association and its members have taken in the major advances in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy throughout the seven and a half decades of its existence.
It is also characteristic of the Association that its theoretical formulations have taken into account the transcendent dimension of life, producing approaches which are compatible with most religious outlooks. Yet it would be incorrect to say that the Association adheres to this or that school of psychoanalysis: "I am a committed eclectic," was the characteristic statement of Association Training Officer, psychoanalyst and author Rob Weatheril, it seems certain that most Association practitioners would have a similar outlook.
Contact Address:
Fergal Brady.
Irish Psycho-Analytical Association.
27 Seatown Place,
Co Louth.
Tel. 042 9331803.
Mobile. 086 8119473.